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Best Insolvency Professional in Mumbai

With the introduction of IBC, 2016 in December 2016, Mr. Jain registered himself as an Insolvency Professional with the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI). He got his first case in early February 2017.

During his years while working as an Insolvency Professional, he has worked upon as many as 13 matters that fall under IBC & with diverse capacity – IRP, RP, and Liquidator. Each matter had its own obstacles & limitations that challenged Mr. Jain to use the best of his knowledge & overcome them. During this he proved to be extremely viable with the processes & regulations that an IP should keep forefront while serving these matters. In some of the matters, Mr. Jain was able to provide comprehensive solutions & guiding the businesses through their tough time.

Mr. Jain during these years has efficiently proved his vitality to deal with different types of finance related issues. He keeps himself updated with the new finance related norms being formed in alliance with the IBBI.

In a nutshell, Insolvency Services consists of,

Insolvency Consultation & Planning
Insolvency Process Management
Debt Restructuring and Strategies
Compliance and Regulatory Support
Claims Verification and Management
Asset Evaluation and Liquidation
Stakeholder Communication and Engagement
Compliance and Regulatory Support
Financial Analysis and Reporting
Project Finance Consultant In Ahmedabad
Working Capital Management Consultant In Ahmedabad
Ensuring adherence to legal requirements, as per industry guidelines, standard industry practices while minimizing compliance-related risks & safe returns.
IBC Expert
NPA Management Consultant
Management Consultant
Sick Unit Revival Expert
Project Finance Consultant
Working Capital Management Consultant